There’s a Snapdragon 8 Elite version with just seven CPU cores now | Infinium-tech
The Snapdragon 8 Elite chipset went official in October, and as you may already know it has an octa-core CPU. Correct? Well, yes, but also no. The Snapdragon 8 Elite we know so far definitely exists, but it turns out there’s another version too. It has just been listed by Qualcomm on its website (see source linked below).
And it has just seven CPU cores. The two prime cores are clocked at up to 4.32 GHz, and the five performance cores are clocked at up to 3.53 GHz. Basically, there’s a performance core missing compared to the regular Snapdragon 8 Elite.
This hepta-core CPU is packed inside the Snapdragon 8 Elite with part number SM8750-3-AB. It can be used by OEMs that want it, presumably saving them a bit of cash compared to the octa-core CPU version. We assume these are binned parts – meaning they’re all built the same way, but for chips that have issues with a performance core, they simply ship with it disabled and voila, we get this situation.
It will be interesting to see if there will be a taker for this model, as obviously some people won’t be able to tell the difference, but then others may automatically dismiss it as an inferior version.
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