Android-to-iPhone RCS messages will be end-to-end encrypted | Infinium-tech
The GSM Association (no relation with GSMA, US) has published new RCS specifications that allow end-to-end encryption on platforms. The RCS messages on Android have been ended and encrypted for years, but now the same level of security can be applied to the messages sent from Android or vice versa, as Apple has finally joined the RCS party last year.
In fact, Apple has already sent the following statements on the case:
End-to-end encryption is a powerful privacy and safety technique that IMESSAGE has supported from the beginning, and now we are pleased to lead a cross industry effort to bring end-to-end encryption into RCS Universal profiles published by GSMA. We will add support for IOS, iPados, Macos, and Watchos end-to-end encrypted RCS messages in future software updates.
Google said:
We are always committed to providing a safe message experience, and the Google message users have an end-to-end encrypted (E2E) RCS messaging. We are excited to obtain this update specification from GSMA and work as soon as possible with the mobile ecosystem and this important users apply safety to implement the Cross-Platform RCS message.
So it seems that RCS will get another important feature for cross-platform messaging. Will it eventually treat North American IMessage users similar to blue to treat green bubbles? Probably not, but GSMA, Google, and Apple are all they can do what they can do here.
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